Yesterday might be one of the worst scenario that God has asked me to play in. Thanks to a friend who helps me to come out from that situation. Today though I am f*ckin busy, at least a better day than yesterday. Got some new jobs to earn some income (which I am dying for since two weeks ago). Today, I am not doing something that can waste my time. After last night doing flash games with Dida, seems I will finish today by finishing the drawings for one of my Professors. Thanks a lot to him to help me survive.
Setelah sekian lama gak ngisi blog, gue akhirnya mengisi blog ditanah suci nya anak design, CAD/CAM Lab. Tanah suci nya gue sih sebenernya soale gue yang emang doyan banget nongkrong disini. Selain emang semua software yang biasa gue pake ada disini, gue juga pengen ngerasain pake komputer harga 7000 dollar. Sayangnya yang di install bukan XP tapi 2000, jadi gak bisa di costumize macem macem. Payah juga. Ol msn juga gak bisa. Ada bagusnya sih jadinya gue konsen untuk kerjain tugas gue.
Enough lah for today, ntar kayanya masi mo nambah postingan. Sekarang mo kerjain drawings dulu daripada keburu ngantuk dan ketiduran....