
CaTLio BLoG v5.0
in CaRTooN CHaRaCTeR eDiTioN

presents his all-time-favourite cartoon characters

  Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Pre-and Post Journey Tests
They say it suppossed to be a test. And yeah, it was one great series of tests. I will be tested to surrender fully.
1. Out of the blue, when I was so confident, thing that I treasured the most is in jeopardy. As this thing is something that has a very great influence in my life, my mind was all over the place. Strangely, I was so focused before the journey itself.
2. When I thought the test is over, the big test came. Someone broke into my house, stealing my family jewellery and electronics. I, myself, lost three stuffs:
a. My G5 PowerShot Camera. Yes, it's old. But it was the first camera I ever had.
b. My iPod. Ah, I miss this the most.
c. My Nokia Communicator which is supposed to be a gift from someone.
It's not the dollar value that I miss and regret, but the sentimental value that the stuff has. But well, they're only gadgets. It's nothing compare to the health I have during the journey.
3. When I finally back to my normal life, my landlord try to increase the rent almost 100%.

The Journey itself
But, those tests are negligible compared to the journey I had. It was wonderful and it was amazing.
1. Nabawi and Masjidil Haram are wonderful. Extremely wonderful.
2. My father has almost none health complaint while usually he complain more than once a day.
3. I do not lose my weight. All the food there taste perfect for me.
4. It just wonderful when you are so focus on one thing and forget anything else. It was so peaceful.
5. It just feel so nice when you can enjoy something that you always thought as your duty and not your rights.
6. I just never expect that all Arabian women are pretty.

I wish I can be someone new. A better one for sure. Someone that my friends treasure to have, Someone that can make my parents proud, Someone that my love can count on and Someone that can be useful for my religion.

There are so many thing happens around me. Someone suddenly holds hand with someone (wink2), Someone suddenly broke up, Someone suddenly has a new one. And well, there are few things happen to me. After stripped from few my favourite gadgets (which of course, will result in new and better gadgets), I was moved into a new division on work, Starting a new semester, a new phase of relationship (when I can 'drive' her home, finally) and old house with new rental rate. Hopefully, with many new things around me, I'll become someone new. Better one. The one who surrender fully.

For those who requested, I have fulfilled all your 'amanah'
posted by CaTLio @ 12:58 PM 2 comments

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
HOW DO YOU ... ?

Waktu gue SD dan SMP, saat ngobrol dengan teman2 gue, beberapa dari mereka suka bertanya, "Bim, gimana sih caranya deketin cewe biar jadi pacar?" [1]. Dengan sok tau, biasanya gue akan sembarangan ngejawab ,"Paling efektif sih ya main tarik ulur. Loe deketin terus sampe dia biasa ada loe, nah terus di saat yang tepat loe ngejauh deh, nah terus loe amatin, kira-kira dia keilangan loe gak. Kalo keilangan tandanya, ya loe terusin, kalo nggak, ya cari yang laen.".

There are nine million bicycles in Beijing
That's a fact,
It's a thing we can't deny
Like the fact that I will love you till I die.

Kalo gue inget jawaban itu, gue super malu (anjing lah, buka aib sendiri depan umum). Dua alasan. Gue super sok tau dan ya gue merasa itu bukan jawaban yang tepat. Sejak SMA sampe kuliah, ya gue menemukan cara itu sama sekali gak efektif karena tiap cewe khan unik (ssssaaahhhh). Jawaban gue itu punya tiga kekurangan besar:
1. Harus membuat cewe itu terbiasa ada loe. Nah jawaban gue tidak memberikan deskripsi detil gimana cara deketin yang baik.
2. Harus bisa menebak saat yang tepat untuk menarik dan mengulur. Nah saat yang tepat ini susah sekali didefinisikan.
3. Makin gede, hubungan antara cowo dan cewe makin dekat. Susah sekali untuk ngebedain dia kehilangan karena dia suka loe sebagai pacar atau sebagai teman.

We are twelve billion light years from the edge,
That's a guess,
No-one can ever say it's true
But I know that I will always be with you.

Walaupun jawaban gue yang dulu bisa dikategorikan obsolete atau usang [2], gue belajar sesuatu yang penting yaitu bahwa perasaan kehilangan bisa menunjukkan sebuah perasaan spesial. Singkatnya, kangen itu bisa menyadarkan kita akan adanya X-factor dalam diri seseorang itu.

I'm warmed by the fire of your love everyday
So don't call me a liar,
Just believe everything that I say

Over the years [3], gue juga belajar membedakan rasa kangen tersebut. Satu, ada rasa kangen yang disebabkan kita terbiasa, misal aja loe kangen makan Indomie Rasa Kari Ayam karena tiap hari loe makan itu. Rasa kangen pertama ini menurut gue berbahaya karena itu bisa membuat sebuah ilusi tentang sebuah perasaan spesial yang sebenarnya cuma perasaan "tidak biasa".

There are six BILLION people in the world
More or less
and it makes me feel quite small
But you're the one I love the most of all

[ Nine Million BiCycles, Katie Melua]

Rasa kangen kedua lebih spesial daripada rasa kangen pertama yaitu rasa kangen yang ada saat loe sedang sedih, terjepit dan dalam keadaan butuh bantuan. Mungkin gak tepat dibilang kangen, tapi loe pengen sesuatu/ seseorang ada saat loe sedih. Ini sebenarnya menunjukkan sesuatu dan orang-orang ini adalah orang spesial. Misal, loe abis putus. Saat loe sedih, loe inget nikmatnya makan Indomie, terus loe makan Indomie dan bergembira. Nah, menurut gue mereka yang sekelas dengan Indomie ini adalah orang-orang yang loe butuhkan dalam hidup loe. Butuh memang kata yang jelek, tapi Gotham City butuh Batman, Metropolis butuh Superman, dan saya butuh tripod legs saya. Mengingat pedoman gue tentang sayang yang diberi tidak sama dengan sayang yang diterima, pada prinsipnya kita harus berterima kasih dan berbuat sama terhadap mereka, cuma kalo it's against your will, jangan dilakukan karena terpaksa, you will not be sincere enough and , trust me, they can feel it.

Yang menurut saya harus diperhatikan adalah rasa kangen yang timbul justru di saat kita senang atau excited. For example, loe lagi senang karena baru saja mendapat kerjaan yang bagus. Pikiran pertama loe adalah loe harus merayakan dengan makan Indomie Kari Ayam. You just don't think of anything else. Kalo ini terjadi, Indomie Kari Ayam ini menduduki status yang sangat istimewa dalam hidup loe. Just think about it. In your life, you know there are some people that keeps running in your mind when life is actually just so perfect for you. Let say, you hang around in a good restaurant with a very good friends of yours, but inside your heart you miss someone. And you know without him/ her, the fun is not even near complete. Just like what Jerry Maguirre [4] said, "You complete me"[5]. Those people complete your life and mereka mungkin saja alasan kenapa dunia loe berputar. Walau mungkin sangat egois, tapi ini memang cara gue untuk menilai seberapa penting orang itu buat gue dan seberapa penting gue buat orang lain.

- By the way, trust me, gue gak pernah gunain taktik tarik-ulur itu lagi. I just go all the way -

Bukit Gombak

[1] Jujur, gue gak tau kenapa gue yang ditanya pertanyaan seperti ini. Jelas-jelas dari dulu sampe sekarang, gue itu merasa sangat risih kalo mesti deket-deket cewe. Bisa mandi keringet gitu gue, gugup berat.

[2] Penggunaan kata "usang" yang lain: Usang gue lunas yaaaah? (tae lah jayus)

[3] Bahasa indonesianya, " Seiring dengan waktu berjalan, " (jalan sono sama waktu)

[4] Call me anything, but this is one of my favourite movie all time. Long before Mr. and Mrs. Smith, this movie shows what partnership means.

[5] That is the reason why I really thanked those who remember about me when everything got so exciting and fun. Though the number is not really encouraging, I thank God for them.
posted by CaTLio @ 8:31 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

- It's 4 in the morning. I just woke up, waiting few more minutes until it is 10 p.m. in France. We're half world apart now, dear and with all dejavus and wrong information, it's killing me a bit. -

Serakah mungkin salah satu sifat dasar manusia yang buruk. Kita sepenuhnya tau life is about making decision, about choosing one option after another. But sometimes in life, we just simply want the best of both options available.

I was in that situation few years back. I was just to greedy to get the best out of both options available to me that time. As long as I was still able to manage to get the best out of both options, I was procrastinating taking my decision. In the end, I only managed to get the worst (Mampus loe, bim). As I have repeatedly say, I learnt so much from that period, and this is one of the lessons, simply don't ever be greedy.

Options are nice things to have. Especially, if you love making decisions. But for those who have the options, I always repeatedly remind them that options come with responsibilities. The responsibility to let the 'decision-making' situation very clear. For Example, the deadline if there is any or if there isn't any. The options should know, if the options are human. If possible, the criteria of judging should be made clear as well. The rules of the competition, if the options need to compete.

For me, I do not think I can bear that kind of responsibility anymore. It's just too shitty when I have to tell the losing side that I opt for the other "one". It's just too painfull when you made your firm decision and you have to let they all know.

But of course, if the situation arises again for me and it is inevitable, I know I just have to do all the shitty things again. And I know I can't be greedy, getting the best from all the options available just for the sake of not losing the fans.

N.B: I just think about a situation. Let's called the four people involved A, B, C and D. A is dating B, and C is dating D. One day, B cheats with C. And C started to consider the options, B or D. B decided to leave A for C. Shit Happens. C choose D. If I were C, I don't think I could stand the thought of the misery of B for losing A and A to be left by B. No matter how lovely my relationship with D, I am gonna think about that. ( I suddenly remember that movie called "Closer"). And feeling guilty is one of the worst feeling I know. Just like regret.
posted by CaTLio @ 3:48 AM 5 comments

Extremely Lazy + Fat + Ambitious + Cynical + Food Lovers + Daydreamer + Bratty + Disruptive
adhitya + adih + afo + amel + anes + arum + ayunilam + bobu + blub + cay + cica + cita + dena + deu + dita + dida + dilla + dini + Dini[S] + dono + edo + etu + fadil + fajar + fina + genny + hanan + imesh + intansky + ite + indi dan rani + larissa + lestia + manda + muna + nauval + nina + otty + okke + rima + sulis + sweeney + tono + toto + tyta + utet + wawa + yasrof
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11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008
04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009
06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009
11/01/2009 - 12/01/2009
02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010

Sunrise @ East Coast
photograph by Catlio

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