
CaTLio BLoG v5.0
in CaRTooN CHaRaCTeR eDiTioN

presents his all-time-favourite cartoon characters

  Thursday, June 16, 2005

- All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go -

Mo kemana, Bim?
In two days, i'll take a full-time holiday to Jakarta, the most dangerous city in Asia. For the past two years, I have a part-time holiday. But for the next three weeks, I'm goin to enjoy my life in Jakarta.

Mo ngapain di Jakarta?
Jelas ketemu keluarga gue. Ketemu temen temen gue. Honestly, I make list of friends whom I wish to meet in Jakarta. Last but not least, spend more time with her. Well, I need to make some kind of a schedule here, coz my time is limited, sedangkan ini mungkin pulang ke indonesia terlama gue yang terakhir kalo jadi kerja.

Kalo jadi kerja?Kenapa, Bim?
Ok, karena contract kerja itu subject to approval work permit untuk kerja di Sg. Gue gak bisa apply PR, because ya gue belom nyelesein master gue, so gue terpaksa apply EP, yang sayangnya biasnaya prosesnya tedious, lama, dan juga tidak pasti bisa diterima. Damn. So yah, buat semua yang tau hal ini, tolong doakan saya yah.

Buset, BT juga ya kalo gak jadi keterima kerja gara2 itu?
Well everything happens for a reason. Dan gue mesti prepare for that, karena emang ada satu temen gue yang gue tau gagal dapetin EP. Hopefully, Singapore Ministry of Manpower mengerti situasi gue kalo gue harus serve bond disini 6 years. Kalo gak dikasih EP gimana mo serve bond gue, ya gak? Yang menyedihkan buat gue adalah karena gue pengen banget kerja di Oil and Gas field dan Company ini. And this position.

Nafsu banget sama petroleum, kenapa Bim?
Karena gue selalu berpikir untuk kembali ke Indonesia suatu saat nanti. Nah menurut gue saat gue balik ke Indo nanti, after I serve my 6-year bond, field ini yang masih hot (iya lah, kalo hampir semua investment ke Indo itu in this field, pastinya masih rame lah). So kalo gue work disini, pastinya pas balik ilmu gue akan sangat berguna banget khan?

Hah, jadi walaupun loe selalu bilang Singapore is your home, loe akan tetap balik ke Indonesia?
Yap. It is my hometown. It is my country. Sebajingan-bajingannya gue, gue sadar disitu rumah gue semestinya, dan gue tau gue bisa dapet beasiswa ini karena gue adalah warga negara Indonesia. Masa' setelah gue dapet semua ini gue gak terima kasih sama negara tercinta gue itu? Then, of course, I always wish the first word comes out from my children is an Indonesian word.

Ok, wish u a good holiday then...
Wish me luck as well..

For what?
Just wish me luck, so I can make "it" through

- Sekedar ringkasan dari beberapa chattingan gue sama beberapa teman yang menanyakan kabar gue. Sekaligus bikin jurnal pribadi. -
posted by CaTLio @ 3:25 PM 4 comments

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

- This post may insult some of you. So please understand, I am just expressing my opinion -

Pernah terpikir gak kalau kita kadang2 suka mengidentifikasi seseorang dengan sebuah ciri2 yang sebenarnya dia tidak pernah ingin miliki? Misal seseorang yang lahir dengan kepala eh rambutnya yang kriting, suka kita panggil kribo (mari kita assume orang itu bukan penggemar Jackson Five ataupun Achmad Albar, jadi dia mengutuk sekali ke-kritingan rambutnya). Contoh lain, kita memanggil seseorang yang kulitnya hitam dengan bleki (anggap aja itemnya dia ini turunan, bukan karena kebanyakan ngangon kebo). Sadar gak sih kalau dengan begitu kita memperlakukan seseorang dengan tidak adil? sangat tidak adil bahkan.

Satu kisah yang buat saya amat sangat menyedihkan terjadi pada a great friend of mine, let's call him F. F tidak pernah dapat persetujuan dari orang tua kekasihnya dengan alasan yang menurut saya super tidak penting dan tidak beralasan. Dia tidak dari suku yang diharapkan. Tepatnya Ras. Buat gue ini hal yang sangat konyol, teman saya tidak pernah memilih atau tepatnya meminta kepada Tuhan untuk dillahirkan dengan ras tertentu khan? Dia simply tidak punya kesempatan itu. Teman saya bukan drug addict, bukan alcoholic, bukan juga manusia yang sembarangan menghamili anak manusia. Oh ya, dan juga semestinya sih tidak impoten. Dia salah satu top student di universitasnya, aktif di organisasi, dicintai oleh teman teman sekitarnya. Bahkan salah satu manusia paling setia (my own standard used here) yang pernah saya tau. Lalu, dia ter-accused karena dia tidak terlahir dengan ras yang tepat?

Kisah lain yang menurut saya aneh adalah adanya sebuah kecenderungan untuk menilai buruk pada mereka yang terlahir dari orang tua yang cerai/re-married. Again, Allah menentukan nasib orang tua mereka bukan anak2 itu. Saya yakin semua anak di dunia ini terlahir dengan harapan mereka masuk ke dalam keluarga bahagia, tentram, gemah ripah loh jenawi (bener gak sih ejaannya?), sakinah, sederhana dan rajin menabung (yak hiperbolis!!!) . Tidak akan ada satu anakpun yang berdoa supaya orangtuanya cerai, berantem, dan penuh kekerasan. Yah, gue tidak membantah fakta banyak dari mereka yang berasal dari keluarga yagn cerai/broken home menjadi drug addict atau penjahat yang dikejar kejar polisi. Tapi tidak semuanya seperti itu. Sebagian dari mereka jadi manusia yang mengagumkan. Satu teman saya lulus dengan predikat terbaik di universitasnya setelah menyelesaikan both undergraduate dan masternya dengan scholarship penuh, bekerja di sebuah perusahaan consultant dengan gaji yang luar biasa mampu membeli sepiring berlian, dan masih mampu meluangkan waktu untuk kerja di organisasi humanitarian membantu anak-anak terlantar. Lalu, saya harus mengaccuse dia manusia gagal karena dia broken home? yang saya tau pasti, tiga teman saya yang mati overdose semua berasal dari keluarga utuh.

Hal yang lebih sering terjadi adalah saya sering mendengar teman2 wanita saya mengaccuse teman2 pria tidak kompeten karena dia kurang tinggi, rambutnya ikal, dan hal fisik lainnya. Gue tidak marah cuma berharap mereka bsia mengerti kalau itu sesuatu yang diberi oleh Tuhan. Iya, mereka boleh mengaccuse ketika mereka tampil asal2an sperti yang diulas oleh okke di sini. Tapi there are things that are beyond their abilities to change. Dan menurut gue, seharusnya mereka lebih dihargai karena mereka bisa menysukuri apa yang diberi oleh Tuhan.

Gue pribadi juga orang yang pernah melakukan hal2 seperti ini. Sampai berpuluh kejadian mengajarkan gue, bahwa gue hanya boleh consider some people sucks because they choose to be sucks. Gue berhenti menilai atau mengidentifikasi seseorang atas sesuatu yang mereka tidak pilih. Seseorang tidak bisa memilih apakah dia dilahirkan sebagai seorang negro atau orang asmat, tidak memilih untuk dilahirkan sebagai anak sah atau anak haram, dan juga tidak memilih untuk dilahirkan dari seorang ibu yang menggunakan obat terlarang. Tapi saya tau setiap orang punya kemampuan untuk memilih menjadi seorang yang ulet/tekun atau tidak, menjadi seorang yang berhati lapang atau tidak, atau menjadi seorang yang kikir atau dermawan, dan juga menjadi seorang yang pemaaf atau pendendam. Gue berharap gue selalu diberi kesadaran untuk melihat bahwa people are responsible for things that they choose.

Buat semua yang merasa pernah di diskriminasi karena hal hal ini, pesan saya, tunjukkan kalian benar dan mereka salah mendiskriminasikan kalian. Tunjukkan pada mereka, semua kitab suci tidak pernah mengajarkan kita menilai seseorang atas apa yang Tuhan berikan secara mutlak. Bahkan pada orang yang kalian hormati sekalipun, jika kalian tau apa yang kalian punya itu benar, katakan. Kalian tidak melawan mereka, tapi membantu mereka menyadarkan atas sesuatu yang tidak berdasar. Pesan saya satu lagi, be brave for yourself. (I quote you for this, Ti)

- Just be brave when you're right. And don't be sorry for being honest (hehehe gak ada hubungannya sih) -

Buat F, be brave, man. Told her, to be brave as well. Try your best. Kalo nanti suatu saat hollywood produce a movie "How to be an **** in 30 days", gue langsung beliin loe DVDnya.
posted by CaTLio @ 4:50 PM 4 comments

Sunday, June 12, 2005

- Gue tidak percaya zodiac, astrology ato apalah ketek ketek lainnya yang menyatakan bahwa hidup kita ini diatur oleh letak bintang2 di langit yang berjarak jutaan tahun cahaya dari kita -

Few years ago, I visited someone. He told me that he got an interesting astrology book. He then asked my birthday and opened up his book. He wrote his findings on several sheets of paper and gave it to me. (Read the last post, I am not good with paper I lost the first two pages). He wrote:

.....(Starting from third page) You seem to know a lot of things without being told - to have been born wise, as it were. [Cool!]

You are introspective, imaginative and somewhat apprehensive, you tend to brood and worry and fall into fits of depression (yuckss!). For this is one aspect of "....(sebuah kata jerman yang gue gak tau artinya)", and can make you feel sorry for yourself in very sentimental way. You are also capable of feeling sorry for other people, very deeply; for a wide sweep of human sympathy is yours, so that you would be an admirable-social workers (saaaaaaahhh) such as nurse (no way), doctor (huhuhu), settlement workers, ideally. However, you could be in any occupation. There is deeply philosophic and charitable streak in you. Everyting yo do, whether in public or private life, is likely to be touched with this wide range of sympathy, so that you are a comfort to those around you. You believe in the good life, and you believe that he who would lead the good life must serve.

Not innately ambitious in the ordinary sense of word (yak gue tidak ambisius), you still have deep pride in your own worth and honour own capacity for progress. While you are not a good executive (suckkksss!!! gak bisa jadi boss dong), you feel a moral obligation to shoulder responsibility, and what you lack in aggresiveness and boldness, you more than make up in moral force and sense of duty. You are likely to hear much of the troubles of other people as you go your way, for this is a"father Confessor" position, your friends and fellow workers will bring their troubles to you for solution. With you expand outlook, you could achieve considerable luck in luck, you could have professional career of wide influence (aseeeeeek). Beware of depression,"Go Slowly"! That will brought you to success.

- to be continued -
posted by CaTLio @ 5:25 PM 0 comments

LIBRA (Cont'd)

- please read the previous post before reading this one -

Part 1 (Gue juga tidak mengerti maksud dia membuat sub heading ini apa)
This is one of the most likeable and harmonious descendant to have (sah pastinya dong). You are sensitive (auwww) and strongly influenced by your surroundings as well as existing conditions. Libra rising gives you an innate sense of fairness, makes you honest, courteous, compassionate and kind (cooooool). You are optimistic, candid and have a good deal of will-power (cool banget) but very little perseverance (ok, I notice this myself).

One of chief drawback tem from the fact that you will weegh first one side of a question and then the other and then perhaps wait to see what someone else will do - before making a decision of your own (yah ini memang benar, heheheh). your talents include constructive and inventive ability, probably you have undoubted genious for anything harmoniuous and beautiful in life: poetry, art music or sculpture (hah? yang bener?). You learn quickly and can master almost any branch of business (anjiiiiiiiiiierrrrr, asiiikkk).The difficulty lies in the fact that you may, while engroissed in any avoication, suddenly change your mind and follow an entirely different line of interest (ok, it happens to my master programme).

Social and personal pleasure are matters of great absorption to you with Libra ascending. This is a natural sign of partnership and harmonious relationship, unfortunately too many of these connections are more disruptive and amicable. If you have not been born into large family, chances that you'll marry into one, the only trouble with this is that some of them may be so disputatious that legal action will be involved (wowww ngeri juga)

[.........I delete the next two paragraphs. It talked about my family background. There is some information that I do not comfortable to be revealed. I can only say that what was written about my family by the book is 100% correct .....]

On the other hand, you'll gain enormous satisfaction an dhappiness from and through your children, who will be few in number but extremely fortunate (wah gue gak bisa jadi "Cheaper by the Dozen: A true story" dong).

Your marriage partner is opt to be comfortably fixed (hah?????Bukan chat gak sengaja di msn? Moga moga fixed by Allah s.w.t deh). and you have good relationship with your children. S..(i can't read the words) you are or will be in the public eye and will probably do considerable travelling and changing of address as a result of your occupation (COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL. DREAM JOB). You will take some long trips for your studies (trips? Hummm I've done some), but your chief source of profit and success will be in your own country - probably your home town (*ambil gitar, nyanyi "Ke Jakartaaa aku kan kembaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii")

You'll discover that your friend are people of great professional accomplishment ( I think most of them will be) and standing in the world ( I am sure they will). Association with artists. writers and other creative people will eventually revela that one of your closest friends come from this group ( hahaha, yah I can predict it from now, there are few of them are artists, and for sure, excellent writers).

When all is said and done, and you have lived your life o the best of your abilities, your children will be your best inspiration during your wanting(i can't read the word actually) years

Part 2 (Mercurius - Scorpio [ I honestly do not know what he means with this] )

You are resourceful, inventive, secretive (sahhh tipe misterius gitu mungkin?), and could have a volatile temper (yak benar sekali). You can follow any kind of pursuit with such intensity and concentration that nothing can elude you. You tend to be both sarcastic (huhuh pastinyaaaaaa, yak siapa saja korban saya?) and witty (ah masa?), with an excellent command of the language (masa sih?belajar inggris aja rasanya susah banget, jerman pun cuma dapet C) and a highly active mind (maksudnya rajin daydreaming?). You like to solve problems dig beneath surface of natural mysteries to find the root of things. Yet you are obstinate, difficult to convince and exceptionally fond of yor own opinions (huwhwuhwuhwuwhuw bener ini.). You can be moved to intense indignation of rage by an injustice, whether it is real or whether you have only imagine it.

By the same token, you'll plunge into any undertaking or cause your love with tremendeous zeal and enthusiasm.You think and act in reckless forceful and sarcastic ways (ya ya I admit it). You could also be too much a lover of opposite sex (hah what this supposed to mean? Means I am homophobic?). Your neighbour, relatives and ofter tour friends are a source of friction (ah I am bad at human relationship) and trouble. You enjoy pelasure and social activities, love various mystical and occult subject. You are curious, suspicious and highly critical, yet resourceful and fond of gathering knowledge. You are proud of you shrewd mentality (Sudah tentunya donggg)

Part 3 (Venus - Virgo [ Dia menambahkan: Venus position marks your best love partner zodiac, Hah Virgo? asikk ama adhi dong...Wa, ngiri gak loe?Yak coba cewe2 virgo msg gue.])
You need the security of being loved by someone with a high regard for your emotions; you want to feel respected and have your love treated as the delicate and rare thing it is.(yak ini gue banget). Unfortunately, however, you are opt to become involved with someone who rouns roughshod over your feelings and treats you with either coldness or cruelty (yak benar!!! tapi itu dulu). You have a deceptively quiet exterior and a deeply sympathetic nature. There is some secret in your love life (nah lho!) - possibly an affair with someone who is chronically ill, a nurse, a doctor, or someone who works in a subordinate position (Possibly, inget, possiblyyyyy). In any event, you are likely to experience dissapointment in love (OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!) or delay in marriage caused by two affairs at once (eh buSEETTT). You should be extremely cautious in financial speculation, but you might profit through joint investment with our marriage with business partner (hah?). A basic weakness of Venus in Virgo is a certain lack of discretion. You are liable to become involve romantically with someone of an unsavory reputation (Gila, hebat juga sampe preference gue bisa ditebak), thereby leaving yourself open to scandal (ah masa sih, gue gitu lho free of scandal). It would be wise to form association onyl with people you know to be honest, kind and reliable.

- to be continued to the next post -
posted by CaTLio @ 5:03 PM 1 comments

Saturday, June 11, 2005

What's the story behind your name?
- Bimo itu salah satu dari pandawa lima, Eko itu artinya Satu, Satrio itu artinya Ksatria. Jadi artinya Bimo: Satu yang bisa jadi ksatria. Ini kata kakek gue yang bikinin nama gue. Cool banget, mbah!.

What do you like doing when you're sad?
- Playing Winning Eleven and watch TV serials.

What do you want to name your future
- Pake Satrio for sure dan..mmm ada lah satu lagi.

What makes you nervous?
- Girls. I am always nervous whenever I am near one of them.

What makes you cry?
- Hmmm hmmm. Motong bawang merah, mungkin?.

Longest trip you've taken?
- 1000 km to say "Happy Birthday"?

Your wish when you last blew your birthday candles?
- Happy in this life and after.

Do you follow fashion trends?
- Nope. I am a fashion trend setter.

Have you ever ran away?
- Yes, to Singapore.

Have you ever intentionally ignored someone?
- Yes

For how long?
- Until she knows exactly that I intentionally ignore her.

Have you ever went on a romantic date?
- Yes

When was the last time you received a love letter?
- Taun pertama di NTU.

When was the last time you wrote a love letter?
- Taun petama di NTU.

If you could spend a whole week anywhere you want, where would you go?
- Mekkah.

What do you think of your past?
- Gives me invaluable lessons.

How did you spend yesterday?
- In the lab.

What time did you go to bed last night?
- 4+

Who was the last person who said good night to you last night?
- I can't say her name here.

What time did you wake up this morning?
- 05.20

Do you know what woke you up?
- My alarm

Who was the first person you saw this
- Diana Zubiri. Hehehhe. Olli deng.

What did you have for breakfast?
- Nescafe

What was the first song you listened to today?
- Prisoner - 311

What did you have for dinner last night?
- I don't eat dinner anymore

Did you go anywhere today?
- School.

Did you make/receive any phone calls today?
- Yes.

What did u wish for when you woke up this
- Wish I lose 30 kg.

What is ur plan right now?
- Ambil tas, beli kartu telpon, maen WE, nonton Chelsea vs Munich.

Are u thinking about someone? Who?
- Yes. I can't say her name.
posted by CaTLio @ 9:25 PM 2 comments

Friday, June 10, 2005

- I simply hate paperworks. I hate it! -

Mengisi formulir dan menyiapkan berkas adalah dua pekerjaan yang sangat gue benci selain pekerjaan2 lain seperti menyapu kamar, menyetrika pakaian, menjemur dan mencuci baju, atau berlari telanjang di muka umum (hah?). Buat gue ini hal2 yang amat sangat menjemukan dan buat gue membutuhkan konsentrasi yang lebih ketimbang maen Winning Eleven lawan Messa.

Gue benci sekali dengan prosedur. Gue merasa itu seperti hal yang dibuat untuk merepotkan. Gue pengen sekali misalkan gue pengen daftar sekolah, bisa gue lakukan dengan lisan. Wah mantab banget deh kalo emang ada sekolah yang punya birokrasi seperti itu.

Kerja di singapore itu sangat2 membutuhkan paperworks. Oke first one, cover letter and resume. Loe harus memikirkan banget gimana caranya mempackage diri loe. Kenapa sih gak kita ngirim transcript dan segala tetek bengek testimonials lainnya aja? Kenapa pula mesti pake resumeh?

Kalo keterima, pas interview pasti lah loe disuruh ngisi form ini itu lagi. Kalo keterima kerja? Bweh mesti ngurus PR ato EP. Dan ini buat gue the most frustrating part. Buat kita indonesian, harus translate semua ijazah dan legalisir ke embassy. Udah itu mesti isi formulir berlembarlembar. Terus nyiapin fotokopi yang laen. Terus mesti ke kantor mereka. Iya kalo diterima, kalo gagal? Bah, mesti ngulang the whole process tanpa kita bsa ngerti salahnya dimana. Parah!

My letter of invitation for PR expired two years ago. Dan pas gue dateng menjelaskan kasusnya ke official SIR. Dia cuma ok, just submit the letter and we'll contact you in one month. Gue coba jelasin kenapa gue gak pake tuh letter, gara2 ya NTU juga offer gue untuk jadi master. Toh gue udah dapet bachelor gue disini. Dia cuma liat kiri kanan terus dengan santai manggil nomer berikutnya. So dengan amat sopan gue whisper ke muka ibu itu "F*CK YOU". Tapi jelas, gue tidak lupa tersenyum saat mengucapkan itu ke muka dia.

Paperworks frustrated me sometime. Karena gue, by nature, careless. Gue gak pay attention to details especially for this kinda thing. Gue merasa saat gue mengisi formulir itu seperti banyak pertanyaan menjebak. Gue merasa saat mengisi formulir gue harus secara 100% correct. Jadinya gue merasa seperti punya beban mental gila2a saat melakukan segala paperworks.

Ketidaksukaan gue akan pekerjaan gak penting ini akhirnya menyebabkan gw juga jadi amat sangat bodoh dalam hal ini. Gue pasti at least make one mistake in filling up a form. Nah, hal tertolol baru terjadi hari ini. Gue gak sadar bahwa NTU OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT bukanlah IJAZAH NTU. Dan setelah lulus selama dua setengah taun, gue baru tau hal ini. Dan yang ada gue kalang kabut nyari Sertifikat yang seharusnya adalah ijazah NTU. Gue emang gak put great importance pada sertifikat itu karena menurut gue transcript lebih penting. Karena itu memuat semua nilai gue. Sementara sertifikat lulus cuma bilang gue udah lulus. Wajar dong gue ngira itu cuma seonggok kertas gak berguna. Even STTB dan NEM aja ada angkanya. Setelah membongkar gudang gue semalaman, gue tidak berhasil menemukan dimana Ijazah gue. Gue kemudian tidur2an di kamar gue, sambil memandangin gundam seed gue yang gue pajang di lemari buku gue. Ternyata, certificate of degree gue ada di situ, di antara selipan FHM april 2004 dan Mei 2004. Ah, benda penting ini ternyata terselip dengan benda penting lainny.

Besok, gue akan ke Company, mengurusi contract gue yang kembali diganti for the second time sekaligus ke MOM submit EP. Ah, moga2 gak ada masalah. Moga2 gue tidak stupid enough untuk salah memasukkan dokumen ke dalam amplop submission gue.

- Ah in salah satu hal yang gw benci dari sg. Biasanya system yang baik emang suka lebih rigid dan terlalu birokratis. Dalam hal ini, gue cinta negara gue deh dimana sistemnya bisa dengan gampang digoyang dan punya cara mengatasi birokrasi berlebihan (kata lain : nyogok) -
posted by CaTLio @ 1:27 AM 4 comments

Sunday, June 05, 2005

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards
More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive

[ You and I Both, Jason Mraz ]

Saya adalah seorang manusia yang lebih suka menjelaskan sebuah masalah atau pendapat saya lewat sebuah media tulis ketimbang lewat suara saya. Bukan saya pendiam (Ok, seluruh jagat raya harusnya tau Bimo Eko Satrio itu berbicara lewat sumsum tulang belakang, jadi gak mungkin pendiem) ato sok berhemat kata2 menjadi misterius. Tapi saya merasa bahwa dengan menulis saya lebih mampu memikirkan kata yang tepat dalam menyampaikan pendapat atau pandangan saya. Dan kemarin, lewat sebuah kejadian yang sangat sederhana, saya menyadari ini salah (dan saya juga menyadari kenapa kebanyakan hubungan jarak jauh tidak berjalan cukup baik).

5% Words
Saya tidak yakin apa pendapat saya ini disetujui para pakar komunikasi di dunia. Tapi saya berani mengklaim (ok this is a claim, so it is not supported by fact) sepertinya dari semua yang kita sampaikan, kata2 yang kita gunakan hanya constitute mungkin sekitar 5% dari penyampaian kita. Pemilihan kata yang tepat, setepat2nya hanya mampu menyampaikan perasaan, pendapat atau pandangan kita sebanyak 5%. Ok, those who study communication may be can suggest me a more precise figure?. Tapi jelas, pemilihan kata itu tetap sangat penting. Seperti yang adih bilang dalam blognya, kata2 yang Nora Ephron pilih dalam Sleepless in Seattle jelas sangat lebih baik daripada kata kata yang George Lucas pilih ketika mereka mencoba menyampaikan suasana penuh cinta di dalam filem. Kalau words itu cuma 5%, lalu kira2 yang memegang bagian lebih besar?

40% Verbal
Saya berani bilang sekitar 40% penyampaian ide kita itu dipengaruhi cara kita menyebut kata2 yang kita pilih diatas. Sebagai contoh, akan sangat aneh kalau kita mengucapkan kata2 "i love you" dengan nada yang sama kita gunakan ketika mengucapkan "Can I have the bill, please?" (OK mungkin contoh gue gak gitu bagus, cuma ngerti gak sih maksud gue?). Dari nada suara yang loe sampaikan, loe bakal tau apakah ini sebuah penyampaian dari seorang kakak kepada adik atau seorang bapak kepada anak. Loe juga akan tau apakah seorang mencoba mengajari loe dengan sabar atau mencoba memaksakan kehendaknya sama loe. Mungkin contoh yang lebih tepat bisa disadari oleh mereka yang suka bermain drama. Mereka pasti sangat menyadari bagaimana dengan mengganti nada suara mereka, kesan yang ditimbulkan amat sangat beda. Tapi masih ada satu bagian penting yang lebih menentukan dalam penyampaian kita akan sesuatu.

55% Non-Verbal/ Body Language
Saya yakin lebih dari 50% komunikasi yang kita lakukan itu adalah lewat body language kita. Dari gerakan tangan, nafas, ekspresi muka, degup jantung(ini gak bisa diatur sih tapi bisa jadi indikasi penting dalam menyampaikan sesuatu). Saya merasa ini kenapa saya merasa film picisan lebih menyiksa ketimbang buku picisan. Sehabis nonton filem yang super jelek gue bisa memaki2 habis. Tapi paling kalo buku jelek, gue cuma bilang "ah gitu doang ternyata". Karena buat gue, seorang sutradara filem punya instrument lebih banyak untuk membuat sebuah filem menarik ketimbang seorang penulis buku (walau itu juga menyebabkan sangat sulit membuat sebuah filem masuk dalam kategori "bagus"). Sebuah contoh gampang, u don't have to say "I care about you", "I miss you" or "I love you", when you hug someone.That someone knows exactly how you feel.

Setelah menghabiskan satu hari untuk berpikir tentang ini semua, saya menjadi sangat kagum dengan dua golongan orang.
1. Para penulis buku yang bisa membuat saya tertawa, sedih, terharu. Penulis yang baik mampu membuat saya membayangkan sebuah betuk 3 dimensi tentang tulisan mereka (enid blyton is my favourite for this category). Penulis yang mampu memutar balikkan fakta dengan kata2 mereka juga menurut saya penulis yang baik. Penulis yang mampu menulis secara sistematis, rapih dan padat juga penulis yang baik. Tapi mereka yang mampu membuat saya "merasa" adalah penulis yang sangat hebat di mata saya. (There are several fellow bloggers who I considered as a great writer).
2. Mereka yang mampu mempertahankan hubungan jarak jauh. Mereka hanya mampu menjalankan sebuah element penting dalam sebuah hubungan, komunikasi, dengan efektifivas 45%. By default, their relationship will fail somehow or someway. Kenyataanya, saya melihat beberapa dari mereka mampu bertahan, berpegang erat bahkan sampai akhir.

- Thanks for this lesson, de'. Thanks for helping me realize this. -
n.b I would like to congratulate several persons:
- O, yang blognya dimuat di kompas.
- I & P, dua teman saya yang akan segera menikah.
- F, F and F, tiga junior saya yang alhamdulillah berhasil lulus dari NTU. Prasaan baru kemaren aja loe bertiga berebutan makan indomie satu panci di kamar gue.

posted by CaTLio @ 6:11 PM 2 comments

Thursday, June 02, 2005

- Everybody who visits this blog regularly will know that Catlio is a big fan of Carrie Underwood -

Browse through my archive. I had predicted this girl will become the next american idol ever since I saw her on the audition for the first time. She got the looks and the voices. During weeks weeks of performances, many people kept telling me, she is not good/unique/attractive enough to become an idol. Constantine, Vonzell, Anwar are those whom they claimed will come out as the champ. Drop Dead, guys. They're not even in the final! I remember three friends of mine who insist Carrie is nothing and their idols is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than her. Here they are:

M, my housemate. M always has a different opinion with me. For example, only two girls that we both considered attractive up to this point of time. About the idol, He convinced that Vonzell will come out as a winner. He said Vonzell has more energy, a better voice and looked much more comfortable on a stage than Carrie. For me, Vonzell is simply forgettable. And Simon Cowell agreed with me. You prediction was right for Indonesian Idol (M choose Joy, I choose Nania)But this time you lose, M.

R or B, my friend. She always insisted that something missin from Carrie's voice. Something that makes her voice is not good enough. I do not know who she thought will become the next American Idol. But I just want to say to her, I guess she listen to her own voice too much. It damaged her own ears, preventing her from appreciating Carrie's voice.

A is the ultimate. During the first round, She always said ALL THE GIRLS ARE FORGETTABLE. She added then SHE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GIRLS, THEY'RE SIMPLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH. She praises Anwar a lot. She said Anwar has unique voice and has a tremendous ability in choosing and arranging his song. For me, Anwar is simply running out of gas. He sounded boring and boring. Inconsistency is something that I never tolerate from an idol. HAuahuahuahauahuahauh. I have the last laugh. Carrie is the champ. I guess something has damaged ur ears as well, mate. It may be your own voice.

- Carrie, Carrie, Carrie -
posted by CaTLio @ 5:40 PM 5 comments

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

- Lagi sibuk jadi cuma sempet nyontek dari blog orang. Makasih nes, ini ngambil dari blog loe -

Your Love Number is


Who you fall in love with is all about who you trust.
Loyalty is important to you, and you want the most faithful of lovers.
In return, you never let your heart or eyes wander.
Open and honest, your relationships tend to be free of secrets.

- Gue suka bagian never let my heart and eyes wander. Cool banget. Heauhaeuhau. Kira2 dia nomer berapa yah? -
posted by CaTLio @ 5:22 PM 2 comments

Extremely Lazy + Fat + Ambitious + Cynical + Food Lovers + Daydreamer + Bratty + Disruptive
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Sunrise @ East Coast
photograph by Catlio

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