What's the story behind your name?
- Bimo itu salah satu dari pandawa lima, Eko itu artinya Satu, Satrio itu artinya Ksatria. Jadi artinya
Bimo: Satu yang bisa jadi ksatria. Ini kata kakek gue yang bikinin nama gue. Cool banget, mbah!.
What do you like doing when you're sad?
- Playing Winning Eleven and watch TV serials.
What do you want to name your future
- Pake Satrio for sure dan..mmm ada lah satu lagi.
What makes you nervous?
- Girls. I am always nervous whenever I am near one of them.
What makes you cry?
- Hmmm hmmm. Motong bawang merah, mungkin?.
Longest trip you've taken?
- 1000 km to say "Happy Birthday"?
Your wish when you last blew your birthday candles?
- Happy in this life and after.
Do you follow fashion trends?
- Nope. I am a fashion trend setter.
Have you ever ran away?
- Yes, to Singapore.
Have you ever intentionally ignored someone?
- Yes
For how long?
- Until she knows exactly that I intentionally ignore her.
Have you ever went on a romantic date?
- Yes
When was the last time you received a love letter?
- Taun pertama di NTU.
When was the last time you wrote a love letter?
- Taun petama di NTU.
If you could spend a whole week anywhere you want, where would you go?
- Mekkah.
What do you think of your past?
- Gives me invaluable lessons.
How did you spend yesterday?
- In the lab.
What time did you go to bed last night?
- 4+
Who was the last person who said good night to you last night?
- I can't say her name here.
What time did you wake up this morning?
- 05.20
Do you know what woke you up?
- My alarm
Who was the first person you saw this
- Diana Zubiri. Hehehhe. Olli deng.
What did you have for breakfast?
- Nescafe
What was the first song you listened to today?
- Prisoner - 311
What did you have for dinner last night?
- I don't eat dinner anymore
Did you go anywhere today?
- School.
Did you make/receive any phone calls today?
- Yes.
What did u wish for when you woke up this
- Wish I lose 30 kg.
What is ur plan right now?
- Ambil tas, beli kartu telpon, maen WE, nonton Chelsea vs Munich.
Are u thinking about someone? Who?
- Yes. I can't say her name.