- 25.05.2005. The day has come. Let see what the stars say about my today -Quoted from friendster:
The Bottom LineDispatch an old problem with a flick of your finger -- your day will perk right up.
In DetailYou need to clear the air, and there's only one way to do it. You two need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk. You know it and they know it. The good news is that there's no way the conversation can turn out anything but well, as long as you're both brutally honest -- and at the moment, that's the only way either of you can possibly be. Relax and enjoy the chat.
with her:Get out that broom, because you're making a clean sweep of your life in the areas that matter most. Grab a friend to help you out and keep you motivated. In fact, one of the areas that might need sweeping the most could involve the two of you. It might be time to hash things out -- what is it that you both want from this relationship? How can you be kinder to each other? If there's nothing big on the agenda between you two, do something extremely productive and proactive -- like cleaning out the closet and donating the goods to charity.
- CRAP!!. In reality, I know I won't close my eyes for a single second tonight. It's already 4 a.m. I can't even think about sleeping. I am fidgeting. Movin my right feet continuously. -CaTLioRedChair