
CaTLio BLoG v5.0
in CaRTooN CHaRaCTeR eDiTioN

presents his all-time-favourite cartoon characters

  Thursday, June 16, 2005

- All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go -

Mo kemana, Bim?
In two days, i'll take a full-time holiday to Jakarta, the most dangerous city in Asia. For the past two years, I have a part-time holiday. But for the next three weeks, I'm goin to enjoy my life in Jakarta.

Mo ngapain di Jakarta?
Jelas ketemu keluarga gue. Ketemu temen temen gue. Honestly, I make list of friends whom I wish to meet in Jakarta. Last but not least, spend more time with her. Well, I need to make some kind of a schedule here, coz my time is limited, sedangkan ini mungkin pulang ke indonesia terlama gue yang terakhir kalo jadi kerja.

Kalo jadi kerja?Kenapa, Bim?
Ok, karena contract kerja itu subject to approval work permit untuk kerja di Sg. Gue gak bisa apply PR, because ya gue belom nyelesein master gue, so gue terpaksa apply EP, yang sayangnya biasnaya prosesnya tedious, lama, dan juga tidak pasti bisa diterima. Damn. So yah, buat semua yang tau hal ini, tolong doakan saya yah.

Buset, BT juga ya kalo gak jadi keterima kerja gara2 itu?
Well everything happens for a reason. Dan gue mesti prepare for that, karena emang ada satu temen gue yang gue tau gagal dapetin EP. Hopefully, Singapore Ministry of Manpower mengerti situasi gue kalo gue harus serve bond disini 6 years. Kalo gak dikasih EP gimana mo serve bond gue, ya gak? Yang menyedihkan buat gue adalah karena gue pengen banget kerja di Oil and Gas field dan Company ini. And this position.

Nafsu banget sama petroleum, kenapa Bim?
Karena gue selalu berpikir untuk kembali ke Indonesia suatu saat nanti. Nah menurut gue saat gue balik ke Indo nanti, after I serve my 6-year bond, field ini yang masih hot (iya lah, kalo hampir semua investment ke Indo itu in this field, pastinya masih rame lah). So kalo gue work disini, pastinya pas balik ilmu gue akan sangat berguna banget khan?

Hah, jadi walaupun loe selalu bilang Singapore is your home, loe akan tetap balik ke Indonesia?
Yap. It is my hometown. It is my country. Sebajingan-bajingannya gue, gue sadar disitu rumah gue semestinya, dan gue tau gue bisa dapet beasiswa ini karena gue adalah warga negara Indonesia. Masa' setelah gue dapet semua ini gue gak terima kasih sama negara tercinta gue itu? Then, of course, I always wish the first word comes out from my children is an Indonesian word.

Ok, wish u a good holiday then...
Wish me luck as well..

For what?
Just wish me luck, so I can make "it" through

- Sekedar ringkasan dari beberapa chattingan gue sama beberapa teman yang menanyakan kabar gue. Sekaligus bikin jurnal pribadi. -
posted by CaTLio @ 3:25 PM 4 comments

Extremely Lazy + Fat + Ambitious + Cynical + Food Lovers + Daydreamer + Bratty + Disruptive
adhitya + adih + afo + amel + anes + arum + ayunilam + bobu + blub + cay + cica + cita + dena + deu + dita + dida + dilla + dini + Dini[S] + dono + edo + etu + fadil + fajar + fina + genny + hanan + imesh + intansky + ite + indi dan rani + larissa + lestia + manda + muna + nauval + nina + otty + okke + rima + sulis + sweeney + tono + toto + tyta + utet + wawa + yasrof
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Sunrise @ East Coast
photograph by Catlio

LIBRA (Cont'd)