
CaTLio BLoG v5.0
in CaRTooN CHaRaCTeR eDiTioN

presents his all-time-favourite cartoon characters

  Tuesday, July 03, 2007

- It's 4 in the morning. I just woke up, waiting few more minutes until it is 10 p.m. in France. We're half world apart now, dear and with all dejavus and wrong information, it's killing me a bit. -

Serakah mungkin salah satu sifat dasar manusia yang buruk. Kita sepenuhnya tau life is about making decision, about choosing one option after another. But sometimes in life, we just simply want the best of both options available.

I was in that situation few years back. I was just to greedy to get the best out of both options available to me that time. As long as I was still able to manage to get the best out of both options, I was procrastinating taking my decision. In the end, I only managed to get the worst (Mampus loe, bim). As I have repeatedly say, I learnt so much from that period, and this is one of the lessons, simply don't ever be greedy.

Options are nice things to have. Especially, if you love making decisions. But for those who have the options, I always repeatedly remind them that options come with responsibilities. The responsibility to let the 'decision-making' situation very clear. For Example, the deadline if there is any or if there isn't any. The options should know, if the options are human. If possible, the criteria of judging should be made clear as well. The rules of the competition, if the options need to compete.

For me, I do not think I can bear that kind of responsibility anymore. It's just too shitty when I have to tell the losing side that I opt for the other "one". It's just too painfull when you made your firm decision and you have to let they all know.

But of course, if the situation arises again for me and it is inevitable, I know I just have to do all the shitty things again. And I know I can't be greedy, getting the best from all the options available just for the sake of not losing the fans.

N.B: I just think about a situation. Let's called the four people involved A, B, C and D. A is dating B, and C is dating D. One day, B cheats with C. And C started to consider the options, B or D. B decided to leave A for C. Shit Happens. C choose D. If I were C, I don't think I could stand the thought of the misery of B for losing A and A to be left by B. No matter how lovely my relationship with D, I am gonna think about that. ( I suddenly remember that movie called "Closer"). And feeling guilty is one of the worst feeling I know. Just like regret.
posted by CaTLio @ 3:48 AM 5 comments

Extremely Lazy + Fat + Ambitious + Cynical + Food Lovers + Daydreamer + Bratty + Disruptive
adhitya + adih + afo + amel + anes + arum + ayunilam + bobu + blub + cay + cica + cita + dena + deu + dita + dida + dilla + dini + Dini[S] + dono + edo + etu + fadil + fajar + fina + genny + hanan + imesh + intansky + ite + indi dan rani + larissa + lestia + manda + muna + nauval + nina + otty + okke + rima + sulis + sweeney + tono + toto + tyta + utet + wawa + yasrof
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Sunrise @ East Coast
photograph by Catlio

No Doubling Back - Jason Mraz