- One by one, they left Singapore -
Gue sangat benci dengan perpisahan tapi tentunya dalam hidup hampir tidak ada hal yang abadi.
Everything good must come to an end, they say. Gue tidak terbiasa dengan sebuah keadaan dimana ketika sesuatu yang selalu ada dalam hidup gue tiba-tiba pergi atau hilang. Gak perduli bahwa hal itu adalah hal tersepele dalam hidup gue, gue tetap merasa keberatan. (well, evolving is the glory of a boy, dan salah satu tahap evolusi yang sedang gue jalani adalah mencoba mengerti semua itu bukan punya gue)
Yesterday, hal ini terjadi lagi. I have to say goodbye to someone. My housemate for the past two and a half year. Well, he is not my closest buddy. We're just friends over couple of battles, tv serials and X-Rated Anime. In fact, I should be happy as I inherit one book shelf, two plastic containers, four gundam figurines, and one basket ball (not forgetting, I have a bigger share of the phone time now). But still, I am really sad.
When he rang me up the day before inviting me for one last dinner together (last dinner..not last supper), I started to think what the difference will be. I started to list some of the things:
- No periodical national geographic, HMM, MAXIM, or CHIP magazine.
- No Smallville, Lost, or Unreleased Movie downloaded to my hard drive automatically
- Minus one person to bring Mie Sedap/Indomie Kari Ayam from Indonesia.
- House Rent will increase a little.
Those things are not important nor crucial in any perspective. But still, when I helped him bring his luggage to the taxi, I wish that he did not come back to Indonesia for good.
Yah, gue berharap suatu hari di taun depan, gue mendapat sebuah phone call dari dia mengatakan bahwa dia sedang di Singapore, transit, dalam perjalanan ke sebuah negara yang nun jauh di sana.
For now, it's time to say goodbye, auf wiedersehn, ciao and sayonara, my friend. All the best and all the luck for your future.
His WorkStation