Charles ‘Chuck’ Bartowski is a fictional character on an American action-comedy TV show produced by Josh Schwartz. The series is about an average computer geek who dropped out from Stanford University who accidentally get world’s greatest spy secrets embed on his brain. On his Birthday party, his old friend and nemesis, Bryce Larkin, sent an email containing the secret information, when Chuck opened the email, series of images popped-up and unconsciously those images were embedded to Chuck’s brain. After this incident, Chuck will have series of images flashes on his head when he saw something related to the spy secrets.
Way down, in New York town Thinking about the way she loved me There's a hole in my pocket That's about her size But I think everything Is gonna be alright Yes I hope everything Is gonna be alrightI had a similar experience with this fictional character for the past few days. Series of images played on my mind. And similar with Chuck in the show, usually I will in some kind of stunned stage for several minutes when the images played and then, get overly worried about those images. Unfortunately, the similarity ends there.
The smiling face, straight in LA The gifts are found at the bar But I wish my car Could drive to her tonight Then I'd know everything Is gonna be alright Yes then I'd know It'll be alrightWhile Chuck, casted by
Zachary Levi, needs to see some images/names or clues to retrieve the images from his brain. I do not need any. The images just flash on my mind simply anywhere at anytime. The images flashed when I saw Edward Norton and Liv Tyler kissing in Incredible Hulk (and any other couple that were kissing), or when I saw the image of Eiffel tower in Hancock, when I was on train or buses, when I heard the word Europe, when I looked at my shoe, when I came into my room, when I look at my MacBook Screen and, of course, when I watched Chuck season finale when Elie, his sister, was proposed by her long-time boyfriend, Devon. They are just simply anywhere and anytime. The worst is they also came to my dream, waking me up at 4 am in the morning [1].
The rain in New Orleans, forgot to end But the mouths of the people are dry And we watch and wait And do nothing but sigh And hope everything Is gonna turn alright But I don't know If it'll be alrightBut I think the biggest difference between me and Chuck is how those images affect our lives. For Chuck, his so-called average and boring life becomes more interesting. He is now involved in a full-action agent life. Furthermore, he is romantically ‘involved’ with the beautiful
Sarah,[3] the spy who should protect him. In short, his life is going up after those images come into his life. For me, it is completely the opposite. When those images come into my head, I just feel there is a hole in my pocket and usually I feel a sudden rush of want-to-scream-my-lungs-out feeling. [2]
But I look at you, warm in your dream While your mobile dances aboveAnd I think to myself It's a beautiful nightAnd I know everything Is gonna be alright Yes now I know It'll be alright[Everything'll be Alright, Joshua Radin]Josh, I hope this series will last longer than the O.C. Good Luck.Catlio
A Couch Potato[1] Usually, I wake up and sing 4am by Gwen Stefani. Hehehe. Just Kidding, I just pull my blanket and try to continue to sleep.
[2] Of course, when I talked about the differences I neglect the fact that Chuck is tall, normal size, curly hair and quite handsome and I am short, oversize, straight hair and extremely handsome. One more thing, he used iPhone 3G. Damn!
[3] On certain angles, she looked like Julia Styles.